Schlagwort-Archive: sandstone

Digital Nomad Stop #21 – Amsterdam & Berdorf

After about a month at home, I was ready to start my nomad journey again. I booked a night train to Amsterdam which ended up getting cancelled due to big thunderstorms, so I had to make my way to the Netherlands on local trains without sleeping much. After arriving, it was straight away on to Luxembourg for some climbing. We had 2.5 fun days climbing the sandstone towers in Berdorf, but it definitely made me feel how out of shape I was!

Afterwards, I spent about five days in Amsterdam, where I had been lucky enough to find a house-sit, so I didn’t have to pay for an expensive hotel. My week was filled with client meetings, attending their summer event, lots of work and meeting up with friends whenever I could. All my evenings and lunches were filled with dates with friends I hadn’t seen in a long time. It was a really nice time of catching up with everyone and I am hoping to find another house sit at some point, so I can return!